
Lessons for today,
Sunday, 1 Tamuz, 5784 - July 7, 2024

Chumash: Chukas, 1st portion (Num. 19:1-19:17) with Rashi.
Tehillim: 1-9
Tanya: English text/Audio/MP3
 3 chapters Hebrew/Audio/MP3,
 1 chapter Hebrew/Audio/MP3,
 Sefer Hamitzvos English/Audio/MP3

Summary of Today's Chumash
This first aliyah gives instructions that a completely red cow (the para duma) is to be slaughtered, and burnt, and its ashes saved. Then, when a person becomes tamai mais (impurity from a dead body), a procedure is described here where such a person is purified on the third and seventh day with the ashes of the para duma, and after that, he is tahar (pure).

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